We've aimed to make this process as easy as possible, just follow the steps below and your desired items will be on their way to you in no time.
- Find an item you want to buy.
- Choose a colour from the colour selection grid (applicable for clothes only) on the right hand side of the product page.
- Click on the desired size in the product size and selection grid.
- Add the quantity of product you would like to buy in the quantity window. Then click Add to Shopping Bag to add the item to your Shopping bag.
- Once you've finished shopping, click the Checkout button, which you could find on each product page or in the Shopping Bag at the top right corner of each page.
- Once you have reached the checkout screen, if you have a coupon code, enter it in the box bellow your shopping bag summary on the left and click Apply to Order. Otherwise, click the Checkout button.
- Enter your email address to use Checkout as a guest or if you are an existing LinenMe customer, please enter your username and password and return to Checkout. Registering makes it easier to place orders in the future. The online instructions make the registration process easy. You have the option to continue without registering, but you will still need to input your personal details.
- If you're a new LinenMe customer, you'll need to enter your delivery and billing details. If your billing address is the same as delivery one just tick on the box to indicate that.
- Once you entered your delivery address details you will be given couple of delivery options. Mark radio button next to delivery option, which based on speed of delivery and costs fits your needs and click Calculate shipping costs.
If you want us to know anything about your order please add your comments in the Order comments box and click Review order. If everything is correct after reviewing press Submit order button to proceed to payment gateway to make payment. Your order will be confirmed only when we receive your payment for the order by one of the ways described below.